Endwalker: My First FFXIV Full Expansion Cycle

As you probably know, I started playing FFXIV for real in Shadowbringers, 6 months before the current Endwalker expansion release. Obviously, this time was occupied by catching up, so that I came to the launch all leveled and MSQ done - and I did. Yet I didn't manage to dive into any Shadowbringrs current raiding … Continue reading Endwalker: My First FFXIV Full Expansion Cycle

FFXIV: Duty Roulette Leveling Efficiency in Endwalker

It's been a while since I wrote my first post about roulettes and leveling. Some changes were made since then, for example, a rework of Main Scenario etc. So, here's the current situation as I'm leveling all combat jobs on 2 alts. Always Worth Doing If you're limited in time, you should always try to … Continue reading FFXIV: Duty Roulette Leveling Efficiency in Endwalker

Trivia: A Couple of Lull Months

As confirmed by Blizzard, Visions of N'Zoth will see light of the day somewhere in January, and now we're basically left to do what we please. I am 100% sure that I will be reminiscing my Warcraft III campaign experience with Reforged during winter holidays, with lots of time and chill mood (and the fact … Continue reading Trivia: A Couple of Lull Months

Alt Leveling: Writing Your Own Canon

Since the release of Warcraft Chronicles, we are aware that not all of the events were experienced by our heroes. For example, the Alliance was the only faction to storm the Lady Vashj domain in Zangarmarsh, while the Horde canonically laid waste to the red orcs of Hellfire Citadel and put an end to Magtheridon. … Continue reading Alt Leveling: Writing Your Own Canon

Lightforged Leveling Done

That's right, the achievement is mine :) Kalaari finished Azsuna and Val'sharah questlines along with their dungeons. The rest came from bits of Paladin campaign, blacksmithing/mining quests and bonus objectives (which you can grab much like in Draenor - with no actual storyline questing running). She sits with an admission to Emerald Nightmare now, so … Continue reading Lightforged Leveling Done

Leveling Trivia: Propelling Through Pandaria

Once you take your toons through the long and tedious 20 levels of Outland/Northrend, you step in the magnificent world of later expansions leveling. My allied toons simply swooshed through it during weekend. Mark you, it was not even the full leveling days: the weather is nice and warm, so the major Saturday timing was … Continue reading Leveling Trivia: Propelling Through Pandaria

Roleplay: Older Content Lore and Leveling Your Character

I hope you're ready to have your mind blown, cause it's the craziest idea I've had recently, and it explains everything. While leveling my new toons, I can't help but asking myself: how does it really work with the lore? See for yourself: for example, a Nightborne character could have entered Azeroth only after Elisande's … Continue reading Roleplay: Older Content Lore and Leveling Your Character