Did Anything Change During this Month?..

Spoiler: no :)

WoW story is still worse than ever, so I don’t have a single teeny-tiny urge to buy a subscription, level anything and/or gear up and delve through LFRs.

In FFXIV, I’m head and feet into leveling – out of 1710 levels per alt (all classes/jobs), I have a little over 100 levels to go – that’s 5-6%. It’s not happening before New Year (although that would be too cool a goal), but January seems good enough.

I’ve almost finished almost every peaceful activity – my retainers are 81+, my tribal reputations are Allied/Bloodsworn Heavensword and on, and I’m digging “vanilla” tribes today, which are luckily super fast and entertaining.

Ironically, MMOs is the only game genre that is able to keep me occupied for a weekend, and yet I can’t wait to finish leveling in FFXIV, cut my schedules to weekly raid runs and get busy with single player titles. I have Genshin Impact, I have Starcraft I both in upgraded graphics and Carbot Animation versions to replay, I have Baldur’s Gate 3, Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, Cyberpunk 2077… and this:

I laughed my eyeballs out while playing a number of trial matches. It’s far from comfortable, it’s like your fluffy character had a 0,5l of strong liquor (and every other animal, btw – friend and foe alike), and they’re all trying to do sumo free-for-all – pushing adversaries and team members from the arena.

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