My Gaming Routines

Just a quick recap of my gaming activities.

In FFXIV, I’m in leveling fever nowadays. I try to maximize my duty roulette and tribal quests output and drive both alts through all of them. I’m almost done with healers on both alts, and 6 dps/tanks per alt will be left to go from 60 and up soon. I’m not sure I’ll be done by New Year, but I like my pace, and this catch up part will be complete sooner than later.

Raid runs are fun, I’m filling my sets with 650s every week. As the final patch lasts longer than any previous ones, I’ll finally be able to collect them all. This would be the item level I’m going into Dawntrail with, I don’t need or want any upgrades. I’ll be grinding Mandervilles though, not sure at which step I’ll stop.

I’m also doing collateral “peaceful” stuff. This is how my Custom Deliveries, Tribal and Retainer charts look like, not quite a lot to go:

Through custom deliveries’ purple scrips, I’ve also decided to upgrade my Crafting/Gathering sets from previous 570-ish to 620 and walk happy into Dawntrail. Crafters are done, Gathering stuff to go.

Besides FFXIV, I’m playing a couple of older games in my spare minute. WH40k Dark Crusade RTS, while released in mid 2000s, still remains the best game in the setting, is super fun and intense to play, with an excellent replayability. I run a couple of skirmishes with a faction of choice – the one I’m currently painting IRL, for inspiration. Too bad there’s not a lot of Warhammer media content released yet. A couple of cartoon series are ok (namely, Hammer & Bolter antology and Angels of Death are totally worth seeing), but apart from that – nothing. “Books”, sadly, aren’t literature, but feeble fanfic attempts at writing like every other gaming franchise book – and thus can’t be chewed and digested without cringe wincing.

Also, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is on my table – a year ago I decided to walk it through again and completed about 70%; now I picked up from where I left it then. It’s still one of the best games in the sereies and at all that I played yet, and I intend to finish it in some nearest future.

I watched WoW’s raid cinematic, and laughed like hell. An all-Azeroth cavalry out of the blue, apparently with no lead-in story at all, and a hundred of projectiles that missed hitting the villain. A power of friendship in WoW (and I’m a My Little Pony fan, mind). Oh god. What also amused me, that comments under that video were unanimous about how this all is a feeble trash. There was not a single attempt at arguing, seriously. I’m not crazy or prejudiced, this is objectively very, very bad. A kindergarten level, like I said in the first week of the expansion launch, and that’s the current writing level of Blizzard at its lowest low – and we actually had Shadowlands just a year ago.

I wonder if Metzen is crying when no one sees, while trying to collect the shards of these past years and glue them together into something valid for the coming years. Even now, I’m not a hater – I’m just very, very angry how they massacre my favorite franchise and lore into something totally different, poor and pathetic while they’re at it. And I always hope for the best… in fact, Metzen is its last hope. If he can’t fix it, no one will, and we might as well bury it for good.

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