My 2023 Gaming Recap

Well, it’s a bit early, and still there’s nothing drastical yet to happen on my gaming front, so I think it’s time to tell my 2023 gaming story.

FFXIV – First and Foremost

Well, obviously my current MMO is the game of the year! It’s where I spend most of my spare time in the evenings and weekends – when it was WoW, it was WoW, now it’s Final Fantasy XIV.

It’s been a bit weak storywise during the current expansion auxiliary story (Golbez etc.), but both raid stories were excellent, and it’s been my first current expansion to follow. And 6.0. is the best MMO story ever told, ever. Nothing can wash that away – it’s the highest plank I dare anyone to reach.

I leveled and caught up with a shitload of stuff this year on two alts – every peaceful and combat job, reputations, custom deliveries and what not – and I kept up with the current content. There’s a small piece to level yet after New Year in 2024, but very soon I’ll finally be in the relaxed mode – as advertised. The leveling process is fun, and yet I can’t wait to reach the top of the mountain and try other projects, yes?


I started to suspect it when I was playing Horizon Zero Dawn last year. I walked it through, and I couldn’t wait for it to be over, rushing to the story end asap. See, the game is perfect by story and major character, and the whole idea… but it just drives me into depression.

This year, I finally purchased Death Stranding – mostly because of Norman Reedus and a bunch of other famed actors (Mads? Guillermo? Any movie would fight for this cast). Well, duh, it depressed me even sooner. I appreciate the unique gameplay and the story, no question. But the whole setting is somewhere and somewhen I don’t want to spend my time within. I could bear with a movie, but not 30+ hours of hauling cargo.

The problem is not Death Stranding as is, see. It’s a brilliant, and inventive, and stylish game, but I realized I’m fed up with post-apocalypse settings for now. I don’t even want to replay or play a sequel of Horizon Zero Dawn, because I remember this melancholy too well, and it’s not my piece of cake - not now.

Elden Ring

Yeaaaaaah… no :) As you all probably know, I hated every hard mode in my games since NES and Sega. It’s another type of games I’m telling F… off now, but this time by genre, not by setting.

Long story short, every Dark Souls-like game from now on – is not my piece of cake. A hard pass, however beautiful a game, its characters, visuals or story might seem in trailers. I’m not a fan of dying a hundred times before I figure out what boss moves even are… nope. I don’t feel even a morsel of satisfaction from such victories – I feel exhaustion and relief that I don’t have to do it anymore. It’s mostly hours of having your ass handed to you in a matter of seconds rather than any fair fights, so.

Long story short, I’d better enjoy YouTube replays from other people rather than do it myself. I’m not having even a little bit of fun while playing myself… so why should I play these games myself at all?

Genshin Impact

I’m so glad I tried it. It’s like MMORPG, but solo. It has a unique graphics style (like 2D characters in a 3D setting), it has a cool story, awesome characters and a unique gameplay. You form a group of 4 characters (out of DOZENS you get by normal gameplay, also free or paid gacha-system), each wielding 1 of 8 different elements, and switch between them by click to combine said elements’ effects and ruin enemies.

Besides, it’s free for exploration, and it doesn’t push or urge you to do anything. I’m definitely playing it, a lot, when FFXIV stops occupying all my gaming time ^^

Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla

Let’s say I’m not a fan of Assassin’s Creed setting or every game as is – I’m a fan of certain games. The new era, to be precise.

I fell in love with Odyssey (the Ancient Greek one) because it’s just perfect in every possible sense. I moderately enjoyed ancient Egypt Origins (a tad worse in gameplay, and a lot more depressive by story, although quite stylish and fun too). I waved away a couple of other titles after several hours of gameplay (Black Flag and some medieval French one). And now I’m exploring Valhalla – the one of Dark Ages England and vikings.

What can I say: it’s kinda a bit boring, but also fun. The setting is not my absolute favorite (Dark Ages, duh – who’d like to live back then?), but it’s done so well. I like my character, so I’d follow her and see where my path takes me. It’s not like I can spend a fair share of a weekend in AC:V, but 2-3 hours is quite fun and fine, and I plan to go on.

Baldur’s Gate 3

There’s not much to say except it’s brilliant within my first hours of gameplay. I managed to enter a druid village and purge a goblin village so far – I hope it makes sense for those who played it.

I need to dive there properly, eagerly, without any distractions, and that happens after I’m done with FFXIV catch up leveling. I’m thinking – first months of 2024 I’m diving there. It’s the game of the year, it is – I would vote for it with my both hands.


Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Dark Crusade remains to be the best computer game in the whole setting, period – and it was released in 2005… Make what you make of this statement.

Also, considering the gaping lack of WH40k official video media, it’s just what I need to fuel my IRL fresh WH40k painting hobby (remind me to show you some photos when I’m done with my collection).

I also bought and installed Starcraft I by Carbot (funny animation style) and Starcraft I with updated graphics. Back when Blizzard was great, I plan to replay it twice.

So… wow. Surprisingly it’s many titles I played, many I tried, and the New Year of 2024 is full of expectations. What about you?..

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