FFXIV: Checking In

I’m slowly drifting back (but not too far back) into my casual gaming, lining up the schedule (or rather, absense of it due to my new paradigm).

I checked my miqo’te main (and only) through all of her whereabouts – before the new expansion Dawntrail pops up at July 2.

Gearwise, I’d like to farm Mandervilles tier 1 for all the remaining jobs, so that they don’t sit at 560 Tataru’s free weapons and be at 615 – that immediately drives them 10 ilvl up. 5 to go – Bard, Sage and 3 tanks. It’s a lazy routine, I’m never drifting into full daily duty clearance – just when I have time and mood. And even if I don’t – oh well, who cares anyway :)

I’m running the latest Thaleia raid (40 minutes/week) to grab some gear, but it’s mostly for aesthetic and nostalgic reasons, too – not filling the blanks in my job list. Turns out, a half-year break didn’t affect my performance – even if you learn again how to walk and adjust your eyes to mouse-spins of the battlefield, I remember all the fights too well and never got caught in any mechanic that requires dodging.

Finally, today I finished ALL Allied tribal quests in the game. I was sitting at the final kobolds 3/4 when I stopped playing, so this was just a matter of 1 week to finalize them and then do a round of glory to unite them all. I was genuinely shocked that this miqo’te mercenary was famous ever since ARR, but otherwise, nothing too special, our common “stand together and work together” stuff. Anyways, this goes off my list – I’m allied/bloodsworn now with everything in the game that needs rep grind, and so I finally can say that I caught up with everything that the game threw at players that I deemed worthy of my time, last expansion and back to vanilla/ARR.

Well? Duty roulettes on different jobs now – but on my own terms and at a leisure pace. Got to remember how to play every class once the new expansion hits us.

P.S. IRL, my new music project goes well. My guitarist does an awesome job arranging my songs, it’s gonna be heavy, but not that heavy, and of immense beauty. And we finally managed to meet offline for a drink, a good talk and a walk – that’s modern life for you, as we already did 2 songs, were talking and working on them online for two months, and I never met her live :))) Guys, here’s the deal: nothing replaces eye-to-eye contact, as we managed to discuss all our differences in approach and now understand each other a lot better than before.

We’re 2,5 ready of 9 composed songs now that need work, at 5/9 we start rehearsing, and I’m starting to actively search for bassist and drummer. Guess what? I already found a singer (going for female clean vocals nowadays, as I’m so tired of extreme growl/scream).

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